dsf eccel2018

09.01.2018. The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Perugia is among the 180 best Italian University Departments  selected by the MIUR (the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) to have access to the Financing Fund for the Top Quality Departments. ​

The five-year funding (2018-2022) of about 7 million euros aims to strengthen and enhance the Department’s excellence, with investments in human capital, infrastructures and highly qualified educational activities. The development project called DELPHI (DicovEry pLatform in PHarmaceutical scIence) will allow the department to realize a new platform of research and development focused on the Early Phase Drug Discovery.

The department will be an incubator of project ideas within the pharmaceutical, biotechnological, and nutraceutical fields. The core of DELPHI project will be the realization of integrated and multifunctional laboratories called DELPHI Star-Labs. NEW - Website 




Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche
Scienze dell'alimentazione e della nutrizione umana
 Biotecnologie farmaceutiche